Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello chumps!

For those who haven't heard, I'm embarking on a tour of Europe which will hopefully span over the course of eight seasons (two years).
Today is the day finally. With me I have my good friend from many o' year ago, Benjamin Smith who will remain travelling aside me for the next three-four months.

We arrived in Brisbane about two hours ago, and we have another eight hours to wait until the flight leaves, but we're bored of the airport already, so big boy Ben is having a power nap and I've decided to write the first of many blogs. Our flight from Townsville took almost two hours, but only felt like 45 minutes thank God. I really do hope our next flight to Kuala Lumpur is similar. It leaves at 11:25pm and takes eight hours...After spending five hours at the Kuala Lumpur airport, we set off on our 13.5 hour flight to Heathrow airport in London. Then after spending a further three hours at Heathrow, we set off on our final flight of an hour and a half to Dublin.

Ben is snoring...Loudly. Oh and shortly after the plane departed, he realised that his camera is still on charge in his room at home ;)

The ideal plan is to spend our first month of the trip in the UK, the majority probably being in Ireland. On April 20th we start our 46 day Contiki tour through 16 different countries, camping 40 of those nights. Shortly after, Ben will return home and I'll attempt to find some work back in the UK somewhere to save some more money to return to the cool countries I hope to find with the Contiki tour.

We've only reached Brisbane, but have already learnt a couple life lessons concerning international airports. Never buy Subway, never trust a bald man with a beard and never take a dump.

I don't know if this is what I'm supposed to write in a blog, but it will have to do. For now though, I'll get back to being bored.

Cheers boys.

1 comment:

  1. I told you you would wear those pants! Aren't you glad I was being annoying now?
    xo Riss
